The Value Placed On You Professionally Pivots Around 2 Vital Traits.

Take this Free Assessment to See How Instinctive They Are For You!

Why Is It Important to Measure Your Strength as an Inspired Thought Leader?

In a world of increasing automation, globalization and 24-7 marketing messages, there are two crucial skills essential for your future success. The ability to:

  1. Generate creative new ideas, and
  2. Influence those comfortable with the old ones to adapt the new.

The first is the central quality of a thought leader, and the second, the central quality of an inspired leader. You’ve heard lots about thought leadership. But what is not widely understood is that it, alone, will not get the job done. You need to be both someone who disrupts conventional thinking and methods--and influences folks to embrace that change.

You can’t merely rattle cages; you must inspire those within them to dare to fly. In the ten years that I have worked with subject matter experts in developing their stand-out messaging, branding, presentations and curriculum, I’ve found that these two qualities rarely materialize together in one person. There are those who easily consider new solutions, but do not have the natural facility to psychologically move customers, influencers and peers to change their conditioned ways of thinking.

When this is the case, a great idea can fail to see the light of day. And it happens all the time.

On the other hand, there are those for whom inspiring others is second-nature, yet they lack visionary qualities and rarely conceive new ideas—and in a world that demands and rewards creativity and invention, this can result in the death of your business or any other professional aspiration.

With this assessment, you will be able to see (based on your own impartial opinion, of course) how naturally each quality is present for you; your innate tendency toward each. Armed with this information, you will be able to direct those instincts consciously to design even greater outcomes.

For those competencies that are not natural to you, the assessment provides a built-in blueprint for what to change, should you wish to, by revealing the thoughts and behaviors to consider and focus on.

Your results will be both immediately available to you and presented by email. You will also have the opportunity to peer behind the curtain to see the 12 characteristics it is secretly assessing.

Remember, this assessment reveals the wiring that is in place and the wiring yet to come! Enjoy the process!


Let's See How You Do!
The Assessment Takes Only Minutes!

Lizabeth Phelps develops subject matter experts into brands with one-of-a-kind thought leader messages and the capability to influence change through psychology and powerful languaging.

Find Out Your Natural Abilities Now!

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PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked for your name and email again upon completion of the assessment. This is strictly so that you can receive the questions and your answers in your inbox. (And is required for assessment calculation.)