Lizabeth Phelps Presents

What Is Your Secret “Melon Extract”?

An Educational Report for Coaches, Consultants and Other Experts on the “Secret-Seller” Ingredient Your Business MUST Have.

From: Lizabeth Phelps
Founder, Inspired Leaders’ Academy

I was completely hooked by an infomercial recently. I’m sure you know what I mean. They’re masterfully constructed.

As a branding and marketing consultant, my brain is always trained to spot creative marketing and as I watched this 30-minute odyssey, it sent out wild signals to me, screaming: Pay attention! Everyone needs to do what they’re doing!!

So, this letter is for you: to take a microscope into what marketers did for Cindy Crawford’s “Meaningful Beauty” line of skin care products, and highlight the single “secret-seller” ingredient that set them apart immediately—so you can adapt the idea for your own business! It is a “must”!

Note: I do not use this product nor do I have any affiliation with it or know anyone who does.


I extracted a portion of the website copy for this product line, which was the same content I heard on the TV advertisement. You’ll find it below. Can you detect what jumped out at me and why?

Cindy’s Youth-Enhancing Secret

“The secret behind Meaningful Beauty® lies in a remote region in the south of France, where scientists have cultivated a rare melon containing a powerful super-antioxidant called “superoxide dismutase” (SOD). Sometimes referred to as the "youth molecule" for its miraculous age-defying properties, SOD is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants known to science.”

The Secret Behind Their Secret

So, consider this: “Meaningful Beauty” has a full line of products--just as you should: your business funnel.

In describing what makes her line special, their marketing department could have pointed to any number of things: the antioxidant benefits, the vitamins and minerals. But how many others could do the same? Hundreds.

So, instead, they took their microscope and magnified a single, tiny element—the most salient, most potent element: "extract from a rare melon from the South of France."

Why did my brain jump into full-alertness when I heard this? A few reasons: my brain (like yours) loves what is novel.

What makes this skin care line novel is something:

  • 1 Very concrete and specific. They’re not describing their differentiation in broad, vague, terms (as I bet you are.)
  • 2 Rare; you can’t find it readily at all.
  • 3 Exclusive - no one but Meaningful Beauty has it
  • 4 And it does something potent—miraculous, even.

Now, products are not often going to have a secret ingredient.

But we don’t sell products: we sell programs and services. And here’s the GREAT NEWS: You and I are in a better position than those who sell products. Why?

Because “melon extracts” can be created and developed because programs/services are fluid, always changing, always improving—sometimes quite dramatically. Products rarely undergo such changes—without huge risk financially and otherwise.

Lucky for us, we can develop our secret melon extracts (if we’re great at what we do and with a trained eye helping to detect it.)

Adapting the Melon Extract Marketing Technique to My Business

So, let me show you what I mean by using my own business as an example.
Below is the full copy about Cheryl’s "Youth-Enhancing Secret."
Read each line carefully, knowing that you want to be able to duplicate it - then go on to see how I have done that further below:

Cindy Crawford’s Youth-Enhancing Secret:

Meaningful Beauty® is a comprehensive skin care kit designed to: Moisturize Protect Hydrate Rejuvenate

It feeds your skin what it needs on a daily basis, which is essential for helping your skin look youthful and radiant.

The secret behind Meaningful Beauty® lies in a remote region in the south of France, where scientists have cultivated a rare melon containing a powerful super-antioxidant called superoxide dismutase (SOD). Sometimes referred to as the "youth molecule" for its miraculous age-defying properties, SOD is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants known to science.

Meaningful Beauty® is formulated with a "first generation" antioxidant complex that includes SOD along with such skin rejuvenating ingredients as coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, and minerals designed to help restore skin's youthful radiance.

"It's been a very difficult process to extract the enzyme from this melon, and we’ve been the first ones to use this melon extract in a very high concentration, which is exclusive to Meaningful Beauty," says Dr. Sebagh.

Dr. Sebagh is known for his breakthrough efforts in helping preserve skin's youthful vibrancy without surgery. By nourishing skin with powerful antioxidants like SOD, Dr. Sebagh has made it his mission to delay the visible signs of aging while helping his clients restore the appearance of youth and radiance to their skin.

Now, here is my rendition. Watch how closely it follows the copy above.

Lizabeth’s Business Success Secret for Experts

The Powerhouse Method™ is a 7-session process that turns coaches and consultants into stand-out, Inspired Thought Leaders. The development of nine rigorous, must-have messages produces an urgently wanted business and compelling brand, which is essential for success in today’s market.

The secret behind The Powerhouse Method™ lies in the super-message, developed half-way through, called "Breaking Their Schema." Also known as the "world-shifter" for its powerful ability to shatter out-dated world-views and replace them with cutting-edge thinking, the “Breaking Their Schema” super-message is one of the most powerful elements known on the business landscape for producing Thought Leaders.

The PHM™ is formulated with additional “influencer” messages and one-of-a-kind branding elements, such as a business’s single argument, prescription for humanity, inspirational “tribe-builder” message, promise, and ultimate “teaching story”--all designed to establish a first-class entrepreneurial thinker, leader and a one-of-a-kind brand.

"It took thirteen years in business and over six years of in-the-trenches-experience with countless coaches and consultants to develop the ‘Breaking Their Schema’ active ingredient, exclusive to the PHM™," says founder, Lizabeth Phelps. Lizabeth is known for her unique creativity and breakthrough processes for producing truly original expert businesses—without a trace of the superficiality so prevalent on the internet.

By developing Inspired Thought Leaders with powerful messages, powerfully delivered, Lizabeth has made it her mission to end mediocrity and raise the consciousness of the planet by ensuring that her clients do the same.

Why This Works—For Anyone

Let’s examine this: I have a full line of 1-1 programs I offer (as Cindy has her full line of products). The Powerhouse Method™ is the first and most foundational program—but is actually just ¼ of the total line.

In describing my differentiation, I could go a couple of different routes. I could:

  • Look to see what is essential/common to the entire line: “It produces a highly-marketable, Inspired Thought Leader Business ready-to-go.” Not bad. Clear. Desirable. Defensible.
  • Choose to focus on my signature program alone, The Powerhouse Method™, pointing out an ‘overarching’ differentiator: “It develops your Thought Leader brand and messaging worthy of a TED talk.” Also not bad. Intriguing. Unique. Desirable.

But how much more Brain-Sticky (my term for what is compelling, memorable and original) is it to focus on a single element--the “Breaking Their Schema” super-message—and its uniqueness?

One way to frame this is to think of nesting dolls:

What Cheryl has done, and what I have done in my equivalent message,
is focus on the small doll deep inside OF great potency.

Because This Single Element Is:

  • Single and specific
  • Rare—you can’t find it readily
  • Exclusive—no one else offers it but me
  • Does something potent and even miraculous: unearths the thought leader message inside of you that is worthy of stages and high-paying clients….

…it “pings” our emotions and creates urgency to at least discover more, if not want it right now

But perhaps most important of all--
it crowds out the competition from the mind!

How Does It Crowd Out the Competition?

I happen to have a skin care line I love and have been using for over a decade that is not Cindy’s,
but were it not for that, after that infomercial, I would be doing two things:

  • Studying her website, watching YouTube videos about the product, reading reviews, etc. (I’m a researcher; some personalities would just go buy it!)
  • Feeling suspicious (or doubtful) about a skin care product that does not have this “rare melon extract.”

Because of this secret micro-ingredient that does wonders,
Meaningful Beauty now rises to the top of my mind and all others without it fall away.

In researching others, I will be looking out for something as unique and rare. If they don’t have it, I don’t want them.

Wouldn’t you like the same experience evoked in your market?

  • Wouldn’t you want your secret ingredient to rise to top-of-mind for them?
  • Wouldn’t you want your competition to (subconsciously and instantly) fade from their thoughts because no one else has this special, secret ingredient?
  • Wouldn’t you want your market feeling an urgency to find out more—and, if they’re in enough need/pain/desire, buy with eagerness?

Of course, who wouldn’t!

Now, the question is …

How Do You Develop Your Own “Melon Extract”?

Here are some rules of thumb from my own experience:

  • You do need to have experience working in your field, to know what cool, ninja things you do. Start-ups can generate their secret ingredient (I do that now with my PHM™ clients), but it won’t be tested and will ultimately change with experience.
  • You need to be doing something in your work that others simply are not. I always say that you need to be one-of-a-kind on the “outside” (in your marketing) and on the “inside” (when folks work with you.)
    I’ve been exposed to (and advising to those in) the human potential field so long, I know if a client is doing something unique. Or, if they’re new or “passed their prime,” I know enough of what’s out there to invent (which is mostly what I do) a unique process for them to deliver. The key is leaving the pack! You must have something really different that you do.
  • You need an analytical mind to “pull apart” the wires of your offerings. If I weren’t so analytical, I wouldn’t know that the “Breaking the Schema” message even existed, let alone was the message that produces a Thought Leader. If you’re very holistic in your thinking, this may be very hard to discern.
  • You need to have an eye for what is compelling to the average person. Marketing requires a natural and deep understanding of human psychology.

Because this is so difficult for so many business owners, I recommend hiring a trained, outside “eye” that can scan all of your material and pick out the “secret ingredient” gem.

It’s like having an expert appraiser from the Antique Road Show rifle through your stuff!

Is Your Very Own Melon Extract Necessary?

Well, what do you think? Really. Answer that for a moment.
If you say “no,” is it because you don’t believe you can have one?
Do you feel it’s too hard?
That it will take too much time to develop?
You’re new, so why worry about it now?

    For so many reasons, this really isn’t negotiable.
  • It’s not negotiable that your work with others be different from everyone else out there. That is your duty, in my opinion, as an expert getting paid.
  • It’s not negotiable that you stand apart in your field. You won’t make it otherwise.
  • It’s not negotiable for your self-worth, either, that you have something that special. Remember how it felt in 8th grade when you didn’t think you had anything special? It hurts. It damages. You deserve to have something all your own that is truly unique.

So, What Is Your Melon Extract?

Have you figured it out in reading this special report?
Or do you feel deflated because you know you don’t have one and fear you just don’t have it in you?
You know, there really is nothing to worry about. This is what I do. It’s what I do with exceptional skill.

Inside your Thought Leader message—which comes from the Breaking the Schema super-message—is your secret ingredient. I can help you extract it.

You deserve that.

It’s an investment. You can’t get this kind of result at a discount.

But think about it: if you possess something rare, exclusive and even miracle-producing for those who use it—like a rare antique on the Road Show, it will sell at top-dollar.

An investment now to obtain that “super-seller ingredient” will be long-forgotten once you have clients paying you well for your one-of-a-kind value.

I am opening my schedule to admit a few Powerhouse Method™ clients in the month of May. On this no-cost call, I will ask you many questions about your current work, your vision and mission, and we’ll talk about the possibility of having your own “melon-extract.” It is time. Don’t sell yourself out by closing this document and going back to the status quo.

I hope, if nothing else, I’ve given you a whole new perspective on what you must have in your business!!