Everything Changed On January 20, 2017

And Again on January 21.

When an estimated 4.8m people across the globe marched in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington, DC, protesting the presidency of Donald Trump. It is being hailed as the start of a serious movement.

As Helen Reddy sang in her 1970's hit song, I Am Woman, "...you have deepened the conviction in my soul."

We can thank him for the fact that because of him, hundreds of thousands of women have declared that they will not go away and will change what they cannot accept--and many want to raise their voices to do it.

This ebook is a primer on how to communicate for change.
How to conceptualize, shape and prepare for your Roar.

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I am Lizabeth Phelps, an influential communication strategist who has worked with entrepreneurial change agents for 10 years on developing powerful messages and brands.

Now, it is clearly time for me to share my expertise with all female emerging and established leaders who will not be silenced and are ready to take a leadership role to make this new social movement the most influential and effective in history.

Below you will find the table of contents. I believe, that whether you are an individual or a group organizing for change, you will find this resource dense with unique and tangible advice. I am privileged to be able to share it with you.

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