Coaches, Consultants and Other Experts With Knowledge to Share...

Are You Ready to PLAY???


What if you had to tell me your entire strategic business plan for 2014–in minutes.
You might freeze and whimper, “OMG, I don’t know!”

But if you chose to play the game and rattle off important elements—do you think the responses bubbling up from your subconscious could reveal important insights you might never have gotten without pressure?

Would the forced restriction—the perturbation—forge unexpected and even brilliant answers, do you think?

I think so.

In fact, I KNOW so.

And It’s the Premise Behind the First-of-Its Kind,
Truly ONE-of-a-Kind,
Business Game Event on Wednesday, December 18th!


In a fun, race-like environment of restricted time—and restricted space—you will design your business for 2014 with carefully crafted, rigorous prompts…and discover a treasure-trove of unexpected ideas and strategies.

Remember how funny, and sometimes eerily accurate, it was to fill in the blanks of Mad Libs games?

BizLibs is like that.

You’re going to fill in 25 blanks in a race against the clock–and against other coaches, consultants and other experts just like you–to get to Finishing linethe finish line: a completed strategic vision of your business for 2014.

Your conscious mind will tell you that you don’t know the answers to many of the blanks–but put under pressure, you’ll discover just how much you know, how creative you are, and what you can achieve!

I’m not going to give away all of the elements you’ll walk away with. This is a game after all (albeit a crucial one) and the element of surprise is essential.

But I can tell you that you’ll have a KILLER blueprint with everything you need to kick off 2014 with all cylinders firing: promotion, content, mindset, accountability, messaging…all by filling in 25 blanks…

in just ONE paragraph!

I’m known for this: teaching experts how to think concisely and cogently. That take-away alone is priceless!!

All you need is to be on FB and a phone. And a commitment to attend this the way you would a live, in-person event: By being ONLY there, present, totally focused on winning the game.

So Do You Dare to Play??
Inspired Leaders NEVER Refuse a Challenge!

And it’s just $22 to reserve your seat!

NetworkNowTalkNov12This BizLibs game-event is unlike anything you’ve ever done before.

It’s fun. It will stretch you creatively, intellectually, psychologically—and even physically!

I’m Lizabeth Phelps, founder of Inspired Leaders’ Academy and 13-year veteran of 2 businesses. Coaches, consultants and other experts commission me to design their one-of-a-kind thought-leader business brands–and the programming, products and marketing to support it. Inspired Leaders’ Academy values the intellect as well as the creative mind and passionately encourages the end of mediocrity and conformity! That’s how we’re going to revolutionize the way we all succeed: by doing things differently!

BizLibs is a case in point!
Now, this event is inexpensive enough that you could toss it away and choose to do something else that day—but don’t do that with this. You’ll KICK yourself for being so easy on yourself, for not putting yourself into this exciting, results-driven challenge, for giving up the chance to see just how brilliant you really are. And most of all for all for losing out on the chance to THINK so clearly that you create your entire business plan for 2014 in a SINGLE paragraph!

Can’t start the new year off with excuses, right??
Join the game!! December 18 from 11am to 1:00 EST.

Register below and details will be sent to you as we get closer to the date!!

Note: This is exclusively for those with knowledge to share: coaches, consultants, authors, speakers.

Quick: fill this in:
I am going to put aside _______ on December 18, so I can make __________ come true in my business next year!!!!

See you on the track!
