OK. Here's That Truly Business-Altering Fill-in-the-Blank Sentence.


(Did you miss yesterday's video lesson?
Watch that first by clicking here.)


So, here's the August Special. It's definitely special.
Propel your brand message into completely different territory!

Schedule a 70-minute session with me and pay now only
$22 to reserve your seat.

Pay in full only after the session's over (!)
at HALF my usual rate (!):
$150. (You pay only $138 at that time.)

All sessions must be completed by August 15.
If you want the discounted rate but must meet at a later date, pay in full option is below.

I'm discounting my fee AND trusting in this uncommon payment processĀ because
I know that you could give yourself a hundred reasons not to do this.
And then, you'd stay right where you are.
And miss a chance at a breakthrough.
I always get them for clients.
Let me help you break through your
brand/messaging fog and chains.
Take advantage of this one-time-only August special!

Pay in Full to Get Discounted Rate for Later Session Date

I will reach out to you privately to schedule a later date.