You've Received the Call.
Are You Coming to the Edge?

2017 The Year of Living Dangerously By Living True is a unique and powerful program in 2017 for a unique and powerful few. This personal/professional Hero's Journey will take you past your stopping points and into places you've most wanted to go, through inspiration, momentum, camaraderie and collaboration.

But before the official invitation to that program is issued on December 15--take a step now through a doorway,
into a one-of-a-kind, all-expense-paid 10-day expedition
into your future.

Location: A special, private Facebook Group.
Wed. December 7 - Friday December 16

Step Through and Answer the Call for this
10-Day Journey If:

  • You have said to yourself more than once in the last few years, "This has to change!"
  • You can taste, smell, feel the life you want; it exists vividly in your mind...but...
  • You have felt paralyzed against making those changes yourself.
  • You know you need just one person to believe you can do it.
  • You know you need the structure of focus--for 10 days--to make it real.
  • You know that you need planning and strategy to make it plausible.
  • You need inspiration and collaboration to make it possible.
  • You. Are. Ready.

"The need for change bulldozed a road
down the center of mind."
--Maya Angelou

What You'll Find On the Other Side of the Door...

  1. Daily multi-media, interactive self-discovery, both professional and personal.
  2. Immersive exploration of your tucked-away dreams, hesitations and the Impulse that can set them all free.
  3. Unique video "story hours" of a brand new, hero's journey fable.
  4. 3 themed "group collaboration hours" to accelerate decisions you need to make and creativity you need to make changes in your life and business/career.
  5. New dear, dear friends and comrades.
  6. Things you never knew you wanted or could have.
  7. More things you can't begin to imagine...

How Do I Know?
View My Video Below.

Testimonials from the "Rite of Passage"
Facebook Adventure, December 2012

Lizabeth Phelps is the best in the world at what she does, by far. Her commitment to bringing out the best in others just radiates from her being. Lizabeth does not just walk the walk, she goes the extra mile, and then goes an extra 10 miles.

Peter O'Donnell

31 days ago on December 1, 2012, I was running from activity to activity, distracting myself with busyness because I really didn't want to confront the unhappiness in my life.  When I signed up for the ROP 2012, I was half hearted, knowing that Lizabeth would ask a lot of us, and I honestly didn't want my entire December, my holidays, my MONTH to be hijacked by yet ANOTHER virtual group. But, having committed, I was determined to play full out--and BOY OH BOY was I WRONG about all my assumptions!!!!! This went SO far beyond my wildest imagination. It literally SHOOK ME AWAKE. STOPPED ME DEAD IN MY BUSY TRACKS. I am beyond thankful I didn't let my voices stop me from this and instead led me to leap!

Michelle Kunz

I was walking into my 50th birthday 31 days ago, hoping to pass through some magical portal that would squeeze me out changed and on a new path. I had no idea it would be this journey. It's hard to recall exactly what I thought I was signing up for… Something inspirational, something of great possibility... I knew it would be amazing. I had no idea it would challenge me and rock me to my core. I’m just amazed that of all the people who received your email Lizabeth that I was lucky enough to hear the call. Thank you with all my heart.

Karen Brody

"Thank you, Lizabeth Phelps, for changing my life!"

Wendy Strain

"Thank you for giving me the safest, strongest, most empowering and loving place I have ever known to come to as I unfold my next year and my life."

Pattie Craumer

"Lizabeth, from the depths of my being, thank you for leading me on this emptying, death and re-birthing, mind-stretching, pattern-changing, out-of-comfort-zone-ing, tool building, life-altering, Rite of Passage. I will *never* be the same."

Robin Stewart

"I am still overwhelmed and in total awe of the intelligence, knowledge, and passion of my fellow 'shipmates.' I am most emphatically grateful for the creativity, passion, and humanity of you, Lizabeth, for sharing your wisdom and brilliant insight, and for envisioning and building this amazing new world and allowing me to be a part of it."

Harvey Feldman

"Thank You, Lizabeth and everyone, from the deepest part of my heart, for memories made together in one of the deepest and most transformational experiences of my life..."

Christine O'Dell

"Lizabeth, this was an experience beyond anything I was expecting, I discovered so much about myself and what I was capable of. You created something unbelievably special, supportive, safe and challenging."

Isobel Phillips

Epiphanies Guaranteed if You Participate!

Start Your Journey to Living True Now.

Wed. December 7 - Friday December 16



For 10 years, Lizabeth Phelps has developed entrepreneurs into influential thought leaders with one-of-a-kind messaging, brands and signature talks/programs. She teaches Thought Leadership at Seton Hall University and is known for her unique virtual and live events.

Come to Your Edge!

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